Old Age Home

Old Age Home

It is not well to make great changes in old age. Dr M Chandrasekhar International Foundation Asia’s has established model homes for the senior citizens and aged in places such as Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Dubai, Singapore and Hong kong. Dr M Chandrasekhar International Foundation supports 72 old age homes and runs 25 barrier homes for the aged in Asia. We are integrating our programs and services for better development and long term sustainability for seniors. We are contacting with Senior Citizen Associations and encouraging seniors to go ahead in this noble cause.

Aims and objectives:


To establish our home inmates strength up to maximum strength, so that we can help more senior citizens.


To provide them their suitable part time work to earn and good time spend.


To establish and run educational institutions, hostels, libraries and old age homes for senior citizens.


To promote welfare programmers for women, children, orphans, aged, blind and handicapped persons.


To provide medical facilities & health care to the needy.


To provide nutritious food to the inmates of the center.


To provide them periodically outing as picnic.


To provide shelter & clothing for the residents of the old age home.

Dr M Chandrasekhar International Foundation NGO is proud to announce that we are planning our own Old Age Home for neglected destitute elderly persons of hundred inmates, where elderly people, Widows, Handicap and Orphans will be sheltered with sufficient space, homely atmosphere with medical & health care facilities including food/clothing. We will be able to run this old age home with generous contributions from individuals like you and corporate.
Dr M Chandrasekhar International Foundation NGO is proud to announce that we are planning our own Old Age Home for neglected destitute elderly persons of hundred inmates, where elderly people, Widows, Handicap and Orphans will be sheltered with sufficient space, homely atmosphere with medical & health care facilities including food/clothing. We will be able to run this old age home with generous contributions from individuals like you and corporate.

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything” –India has made rapid strides in the health sector since independence. However, various eye opening data from NFHS clearly indicate that access to healthcare still remains a challenge.

While the health statistics of rural India continue to be poor, the health status and access to health for the poor in urban slum dwellers has surfaced to be equally deplorable and have less than 5% of government primary healthcare facilities.

Urban slum dwellers suffer from adverse health conditions owing to mainly two reasons –first the lack of education and thus lack of awareness; and second the unwillingness to lose a day’s wage in order to reach the nearest medical facility. Healthcare for underprivileged, which is a desperate need, thus remains unaddressed.

The need of the hour is thus a two pronged approach – first to bring quality healthcare services to doorsteps of the needy and second to promote healthcare awareness and contemporary healthcare seeking behavior among the underprivileged.

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